Illustrations by Mr Adam Nickel
Times have changed. The way we work, socialise and travel are different even from just a few years ago. Going away on vacation has also seen us adapt to new behaviours, while TikTok videos have become the new Yelp reviews and influencers are the new travel guides. But do you know the rules for remote working and Airbnb etiquette? Read on to find out.
01. Do travel to that location from that TV show. Just know that you and everyone else who watched it will have the same idea. Enjoy Sicily!
02. Do judge the people who stand up as soon as the plane lands. They’re not getting off any quicker.
03. Do book a second room. You deserve a mini holiday from your partner’s snoring.
04. Do let the person who organised the trip pick their room in the Airbnb first. Making reservations for 15, then nine; no, 10, then 11 people is hard work.
05. Do look up the menu before you get to the restaurant. Google Translate at the dinner table is not a good look.
06. Do prepare for all forms of payment: cash, cards, a winning smile. Apple Pay is not accepted everywhere.
07. Do talk about the weather. No snow in the Alps and record-breaking temperatures? Climate change is real.
01. Don’t have a weeklong trip for your birthday. No one wants to come.
02. Don’t compliment locals on their accents. You’re the one with the foreign accent.
03. Don’t ask the bartender to surprise you. You might not like it.
04. Don’t Zoom in from a yacht. Yes, you can work remotely from anywhere. No, don’t rub it in.
05. Don’t film a movie during dinner/at the show/on the sidewalk. You’re not Mr Martin Scorsese. Just take your photos and go.
06. Don’t post like an influencer if you’re not one. They’re businesspeople. You’re actual people.